Child and Adolescent Strengths and Needs (CANS)

CANS Tool and Manuals

The Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development WCWPD updated their CANS tool and manuals in 2023.  For purposes of CST, please continue to use the tools that most closely align with the State’s PPS reporting system.

In order to rate the CANS, individuals must be certified as “reliable CANS raters”, and receive annual recertification. The Coordinated Services Team (CST) Initiative utilizes the Department of Children and Families’ (DCF) “CANS Tool Online Training and Certification” system.  Although this system was primarily developed for child welfare workers, the  approach, rating of the tool’s items, and usefulness of the tool should be consistent across systems.

​Reliable Rater Certification and Recertification

Online Reliable Rater Certification and Recertification is available on the Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development (WCWPD) Training Website.

Step 1: Watch Video "Overview of CANS Online Training for CSTs"

Meagan Baltz, Training Coordinator with WCWPDS at UW Madison demonstrates how to navigate to and through the CANS online training certification system.  Topics covered include: a review of the training modules, how to access CANS manuals; practice vignettes, recertification, and test taking tips.

​Step 2: Complete the WCWPDS CANS Online Certification or Recertification

Step 3: Watch Video "Use of the CANS Tool in Wraparound"

Additional Resources

CANS Training Videos – Dr. John Lyons 

Dr. John Lyons

Because the DCF CANS training system does not currently include information on how to rate specific items, it may be helpful to view the web training videos previously developed for the Mental Health version of the CANS, as most of these items are included in the current CANS-Comprehensive tool.

Watch the full series of training videos, or choose specific videos based on your needs.  Video Sessions 2 through 10 are narrated by Dr. John Lyons, Endowed Chair of Child and Youth Mental Health, University of Ottawa/Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario.  Dr. Lyons is a primary contributor to / author of the CANS tool.

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