Resource Library

Links to videos, handouts, and other wraparound resources.

DateResource TitleKeywords
09/24/24Employing Certified Parent Peer Specialists to Improve Outcomes, Paula Buegewraparound seminar, CPPS, certified parent peer specialists, advocacy, code of ethics, core competencies
scope of practice, video
09/24/24Certified Parent Peer Specialists: Connecting with Families in a Meaningful Way, Amy Polsinwraparound seminar, CPPS, certified parent peer specialists, advocacy, connecting with families, video
01/18/22Family Engagement: Seeking First to Understand, Jessica Beauchamp and Sara ShaverTribal nation, family engagement, video
09/28/21Self-Care with Reflective Teams, Philip Robinsonwraparound seminar, reflective teams, self-care, mindfulness, video
09/28/21Healing Ourselves from 2020, Dr. Debra Lafler
wraparound seminar, healing, 2020, trauma, resilience, coping skills, regulate, video
08/24/21Both Sides Now: Families, Wraparound, and Voice, John Franz and Pat Miles
wraparound conference, voice, choice, hello, helping, healing, video
09/09/20Hearing and Documenting the Life Story, Leanne Delsart
statewide meeting, assessment, life story, video
09/09/20Keeping "Human" in Human Services: The Art of Engagement
statewide meeting, assessment, engagement, communication skills, OARS, affirmations, reflective listening, observer, video
09/09/20Effectively Integrating the CANS Tool into the Wraparound Process, Dr. John Lyons
statewide meeting, assessment, CANS, wraparound, TCOM, planning, communimentrics, video
09/09/20What Does a Quality Wraparound Assessment Process Look Like?, Dawn Campbell, Elizabeth Anez, and Kayla Pruno
statewide meeting, assessment, process, CANS, sample tools, strengths, underlying needs, video
08/27/20The ABC's of Wraparound Resilience - PART 1, John Franz and Pat Miles
The ABC's of Wraparound Resilience - PART 2, John Franz and Pat Miles
wraparound conference, resilience, quality, sustainability, challenges, practice model, wraparound resilience activation plan compilation, video
08/17/20FEP and CHRP in a Wraparound Model, Dr. Steven Dykstra
wraparound FEP conference, first episode psychosis, CHRP, clinical high risk for psychosis, schizophrenia, SIPS structured interview for psychosis risk syndromes, video
The Golden Thread in Wraparound, White Pine Consulting
golden thread wraparound, spaghetti, needle, thread, video
Chef Shelly Explains the C's, White Pine Consulting
co-exist, communicate, collaborate, cooperate, collaborate, collaboration, wraparound, cookies, video
Wraparound Supervisor Testimonial, Shauna O'Keefe
wraparound testimonial, Clark county, supervisor, video
Wraparound Social Worker Testimonial, Rebecca Green Blanks
Tribal nation, testimonial, wraparound, social work, care coordinator, service facilitator, video
10/07/21Use of CANS in Wraparound, Lori MartinCANS, planning
Wraparound Testimonial: Honoring Voice and Choice, Terri Billingtonwraparound testimonial, Waushara county, voice, choice, planning, video
12/06/24CST Coordinating Committees, Rebecca Green Blanks and Sara ShaverTribal nation, CST coordinating committee, responsibilities, membership, video
Wraparound from a Parent Perspective
parent testimonial, explain process to families parents, video