Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)

The CANS tool is required to by used by CST Initiatives as part of the wraparound assessment process.

Tool and Manuals

Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development (WCWPD) updated their CANS tool and manuals in 2023. For purposes of CST, please continue to use the tools that most closely align with the State’s PPS reporting system.

CANS Manual
Birth – Age 5

CANS Manual
Age 5 – 21

Score Sheet

Reliable Rater Certification and Recertification

In order to rate the CANS, individuals must be certified as reliable raters and receive annual recertification.

Step 1: Watch Video “Overview of CANS Online Training for CSTs”

Learn how to navigate the CANS online training certification system. Topics covered include: a review of the training modules, how to access CANS manuals; practice vignettes, recertification, and test taking tips.

Step 2: Complete the CANS Online Certification or Recertification

Online Reliable Rater Certification and Recertification is available on the Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development (WCWPD) Training Website.

Step 3: Watch Video “Integrating CANS into the Wraparound Process”

Dr. John Lyons provides guidance on how to effectively coordinate utilization of the CANS within wraparound. Highlights include consideration of perceived philosophical differences and utilizing the CANS to enhance practice.